
How to write a blog post from a journal article in 11 easy steps

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  • How to write a blog post from a journal article in 11 easy steps
  • 2 January, 2021

Cheat Sheet for the Blog Editor: What to Do Before, During, and After Your Post Goes Live

You have written an informative journal about your research and are about to present it as a publishing article to the world. However, have you ever thought of turning your journal article into a blog post?

You may think that if you have worked so hard to prepare your journal article, why you would ever write a blog post on the same and invest your time again.

There are many advantages of writing a blog post from your journal article-

  • It would give the required visibility outside your academic audience.
  • The technical language might not be understood by everyone.
  • It will be easier to share with (emails, social media, messages, etc.)

How to turn convert your journal article into a blog-

1. Cutting down the length-

Understandably your journal article is a lengthy one, precisely more than 5000 words. Your blogpost definitely cannot be of that count. Else it does not serve the very purpose of the blogpost. The blog should ideally be of 1000 words, crisp, and having just the right information.

2. Edit the Methodology part-

Apart from academic scholars, nobody would be interested in your methodology. Or worse for others, it may seem boring and dragged one. If you wish including the methodology section then do it innovatively and briefly sum up the main points.

3. Avoid writing the Literature review in the beginning-

To be honest, a literature review will make the blogpost unnecessarily long. And make the write-up look like a long stretched article. If you want to include it you can mention 3-4 lines in the start and cut out on the academic credits.

4. Descriptive headings-

Headings are of prime importance, in a blog post in a way to grab the attention of the reader. However, when converting a blog post into a journal article, you cannot be too descriptive neither too short with words. You have to explain in about 135-140 characters and at the same time something meaningful.

5. The main body – (explanation of the data and methods)

It is seemingly impossible to explain in technical language as it would be difficult for the layman to understand the same. Make easy and short points and have sub-headings that will state your point. You have to subtle about how you explain to them what methodologies you have used and explain to them in a common language.

6. Including the key findings of your journal article-

Again you cannot be technical here. Start in an impactful way, as though you are narrating a story. Highlight the important aspects which will appeal to the readers, or which will make the blog post interesting.

7. Pictorial references-

Include tables, charts; pie-diagrams which will help your readers skim through the publishing article. Include a short explanatory note. Understand what your readers would like to know from the diagrams and tables.

8. Go easy on the color-

You sure want to make your pie and tables attractive. But do not go overboard with colors and designs.

9. Your level and style of writing-

Do not be sure that your audience know everything about your topic. Be careful with the jargon and tone of writing. Do not write over-stylized words or heavy to understand vocabulary. A medium level of English will do the job.

10. Write shorter paragraphs

Longer paragraphs will not only disinterest the reader but will make the overall blog post look unnecessarily long. Pro tip- Your reader, however an avid one, always skims through the length of any blog!

11. Make the end interesting

Try to end the blog post in an interestingly. Do not make it abrupt. Even if you are stating an argument (for or against) it should be done in a neatly and clearly, without confusing the reader.

On a concluding note-

Writing a blog post is a perfect opportunity to present your hard work in front of the audience. The last part should also include a short bio of yours and a link to your LinkedIn or Facebook profiles. It is also important that you have authored your post as it is necessary in any kind of publishing article.